Archives for April, 2012

Example of racist journalism in Denmark

  • April 11, 2012 10:48

Well, last evening I saw one example of racist journalism and I am sure this journalist Howard Knowles (on the photo) is working for Danish fascist political police. I found articles of the same journalist where he speak about spying and that was enough to conclude: blabla against immigrants + blabla against communist spies from the time of cold war = racist journalist who got job from political police. Racism is systematically spread in colonialist countries and Denmark was through history colonialist country and it is not changed today. All energy countries are attacked by colonialists, Denmark among other international robbers.
1) Knowles already in the smaller title made racist statement: Foreign thieves plague Copenhagen stores. At this point is important to say that foreign criminals can not compare with domestic ones because domestic crimis are always in bigger number, prisons are still with majority of Danish population even fascist political police is trying to arrest more and more immigrants in order to make propaganda against us. So, arrested and imprisoned people are in bigger number Danes because there are 5 million Danes and not so many immigrants. Therefore, they can find some small criminality where majority of act is done by immigrants but criminal market in every country is in hands of domestic criminals. If someone want to be racist, he can say that in Serbia majority of thieves are Gypsies (pickpockets) but that’s just racism and nothing more than it, the whole criminal market is in hands of Serbs and not Gypsies. Gypsies are totally unimportant in the world of criminality but racists can misuse pickpocketing to speak against Gypsies. Here is one more important thing to say: Gypsies in Serbia and immigrants in Denmark have no chance to get job, to get job in Denmark is much more profitable for Gypsies from Romania than to be thieves. That’s what Knowles doesn’t want to publish, the cause of stealing is racism in job market. Danes will refuse to give job to immigrants with hope that immigrants will go to ask for job in other country (Sweden for example). But people don’t go anywhere, they stay, during summer they sleep in parks and they steal during the day. Such low level of criminality is result of racism in job market.
2) After initial information about increasing of stealing, Knowles asked racist spokesman of security companies G4S who said that they caught 80% more thieves than previous year and of course he used chance to speak against immigrants. He said that “he’s never experienced anything like it, citing a dramatic increase in thieves from eastern Europe and Africa, and called on the police to increase their efforts”. He called also for bigger sentences/punishments for immigrants. Of course police spokesman saved ass of cops saying that police should not do anything more than usual and prized work of G4S. All this details show systematically written articles against immigrants: topic is chosen in racist way, statement in article is done in racist way, there is drama (making paranoia) about immigrants, co-speakers in article are chosen and possibly asked in racist way and therefore they gave racist answers. Journalists represent talking of others as they want when they make article. If someone check if this journalists work for political police, I am sure result would be that Knowles got job from PET connections to work in newspaper and to make articles there as political police need it.
Here is the full article:
Shoplifters of the world unite
Foreign thieves plague Copenhagen stores
Af Howard Knowles, 10 april 2012, 15:37
Retailers on the capital’s fashionable Strøget (walking street) are being forced to hire private security guards to deal with a massive increase in shoplifting. Over the past five years, the amount of shop-related theft has risen by 56 per cent, to 5,267 reported cases in 2011, according to the latest Statistics Denmark figures and shops on the walking street have become prime targets. During the first three months of 2012, private security firms nabbed 456 thieves, 80 per cent more than the same period last year. A spokesman for the G4S security company said he’s never experienced anything like it, citing a dramatic increase in thieves from eastern Europe and Africa, and called on the police to increase their efforts.
“Shoplifters are usually given no more than a slap on the wrist and a DKK 1,000 fine, which doesn’t have any preventive effect,” he said.
Head of Copenhagen Police Johan Reimann confirmed the growing problem of east European criminals who come her to steal but rejected that the police should be doing more. He said: “I don’t believe a 56 per cent increase is that bad. It shows that private security firms, who we enjoy excellent cooperation with, are doing a good job.”

The US & EU crimes – part two

  • April 9, 2012 12:51

British colonialism in Australia – British colonisation of Australia began with the arrival of the First Fleet in Botany Bay in 1788. In 1968 Professor W. E. H. “Bill” Stanner, an Australian anthropologist, argued that the writing of Australian history was incomplete. He asserted that Australian national history as documented up to that point had largely been presented in a positive light, but that Indigenous Australians had been virtually ignored. He saw this as a structural and deliberate process to omit “several hundred thousand Aborigines who lived and died between 1788 and 1938. Interpretations of Aboriginal history became part of the wider political debate sometimes called the ‘culture wars’ during the tenure of the Coalition government from 1996–2007. This debate extended into a controversy over the way history was presented in the National Museum of Australia and in high school history curricula. It also migrated into the general Australian media. After the introduction of the word genocide in the 1940s by Raphael Lemkin, Lemkin himself and most comparative scholars of genocide and many general historians, such as Robert Hughes, Ward Churchill, Leo Kuper and Jared Diamond, basing their analysis on previously published histories, present the extinction of the Tasmanian Aborigines as a text book example of a genocide. Smallpox (variola vera) was also misued by British colonists to exterminate native population. In 1983, Professor Noel Butlin, an economic historian, suggested: “it is possible and, in 1789, likely, that infection of the Aborigines was a deliberate extermination act”. There is also detailed findings set out in the 1997 Bringing Them Home (680 page) report into the Stolen Generation, which documented the removal of Aboriginal children from their families by Australian State and Federal government agencies and church missions. By 1900 the recorded Indigenous population of Australia had declined to approximately 93,000. From First World War they were mixed with mainstream society and from 1960 they got right to vote and they participated in sport but it doesn’t meant that they are not discriminated anymore. Colonialism and racism come together. in 2007, government misused children to justify racism against natives. Conservative Prime Minister John Howard and Indigenous Affairs Minister Mal Brough launched the Northern Territory National Emergency Response, in response to the Little Children are Sacred Report into allegations of child abuse among indigenous communities. The government banned alcohol in prescribed communities in the Territory; quarantined a percentage of welfare payments for essential goods purchasing; dispatched additional police and medical personnel to the region; and suspended the permit system for access to indigenous communities. In 2010, a United Nations Special Rapporteur, found the Emergency Response to be racially discriminatory. The Intervention has continued under the Rudd/Gillard Labor Government.
Here is an example of problems for natives caused by colonialism and racism: In 1935, an Australian of part Indigenous descent left his home on the local reserve to visit a nearby hotel where he was ejected for being Aboriginal. He returned home but was refused entry to the reserve because he was not Aboriginal. He attempted to remove his children from the reserve but was told he could not because they were Aboriginal. He then walked to the next town where he was arrested for being an Aboriginal vagrant and sent to the local reserve. During World War II he tried to enlist but was rejected because he was an Aborigine so he moved to another state where he enlisted as a non-Aborigine. After the end of the war he applied for a passport but was rejected as he was an Aborigine, he obtained an exemption under the Aborigines Protection Act but was now told he could no longer visit his relatives as he was not an Aborigine. He was later told he could not join the Returned Servicemens Club because he was an Aborigine.